Supply Chain Process Management

Supply Chain Process Management

With our service Supply Chain Management services, you will receive an implementable strategic roadmap for the end-to-end supply chain that supports and grows your overall business. We develop standardized, repeatable processes that facilitate operational visibility and sustainability.

On your behalf, we will engage and interview your stakeholders in multiple departments about pain points and priorities, analyze your as-is situation, re-engineer your processes and develop a strategic plan.

  • STEP 1. Process analysis (end-to-end diagnostic)

Do you have limited transparency of your current supply chain performance? How well do your processes support the company’s business activities?  We will conduct a “maturity assessment” and identify efficiency gaps and opportunities for optimization and cost savings.

  • STEP 2. Re-engineering (supply chain re-design)

Our team undertakes models multiple scenarios and recommends an optimal design. We also provide an implementation plan.

  • STEP 3. Supply chain strategy, set-up, and governance

We will provide a clear implementation plan that aligns key cost and service metrics. In parallel, we can work to understand where selective investments in new planning technologies make the most sense, so you can move quickly to fill in the capability gaps.

The benefits of the recommended scenarios may offer cost savings of 5-8%.

Supported Industries

Around the world, retailers are facing similar challenges: high-cost pressure, decreasing product lifecycles, and more critical consumer requirements.

Local retailers.

Working with Bridge Consulting, you will re-designed your distribution strategy and nationwide network with scalability, ready to meet future challenges including Omni-channel retailing. The new, revamped distribution process may reduce the overall order-to-delivery lead time by 50%. More importantly, it also creates direct touchpoints in the last mile with end customers, fostering trust, and enabling unique additional sales opportunities.

Retailers with an international network.

You aim to enhance your logistics capability in Southeast Asia to handle predicted business growth after Covid-19.  Bridge Consulting will provide key recommendations on warehouse location, size, and design as well as secondary distribution optimization, providing end-to-end visibility and cost benchmarking, ‘to-be’ process definition, and KPI identification for performance management. You will increase overall logistics efficiency, making the supply chain fit-for-purpose to target your volume growth.

Looking for a new hub to shorten order-to-delivery lead times and reduce shipping costs?

We can help you to establish a secondary packaging hub in APAC. We can help you to determine the best location against specific criteria such as infrastructural maturity, logistics cost, political environment, and more.

In addition, we will analyze transportation cost modeling for the new hub, and your initial estimate of potential future shipping costs.

With our experts expects on board, expect to reveal the potential for a 40% reduction in shipping costs!.

Unprecedented change and seismic shifts in the energy and chemical industry continue to challenge oil and gas companies. Leveraging logistics can help to optimize cost, grow businesses, and reach strategic goals.


In this new normal, upstream oil and gas companies are establishing strategic partnerships with logistics service providers to achieve cost optimization and innovation.


Downstream companies are leveraging logistics for growth, especially in developing markets; and chemicals organizations are seeking to transform their supply chains.


Additional sector challenges and opportunities include exciting developments in renewable energy, the call for zero emissions, increasing HSSE requirements, and heightened M&A activity. The global reach and the political, economic, and social impact of the sector will continue to keep it relevant.

Disruptive technology-driven trends are impacting the automotive industry and will continue to do so over the next few decades.

Key trends include autonomous driving, connected cars, and electrification and these trends are not merely reshaping the automotive industry but actually fostering the convergence of the automotive industry and the technology industry.

At the same time, industry suppliers are facing severe downward cost pressure. The choice of transportation mode – road, rail, ocean, and air – is more and more impacted by automotive electrification.

For example, the shipping of batteries and other electrical components by air used to be justified in case of long distances to minimize inventory capital costs. Today, because of the overall objective to reduce carbon emissions, the producers now try to avoid a heavy carbon footprint in their supply chains. Oftentimes, the customer segmentation process may help producers to optimize the planning of demand and supply of spare parts. Reducing distribution centers, optimizing product flows, and ensuring effective carrier management may lead to improved logistics network.

Today, many technology companies consider shifting their production locations. There could be many reasons for this – to cut production costs, reduce customer lead times, or move closer to suppliers – and sometimes it is because of product line changes. Whatever the underlying reasons, any redesign of the production model requires a concurrent redesign of the supply chain network.

What to expect?

The key benefits of this service include stable, controlled processes supported by detailed SOPs, as well as greater efficiency and fewer errors by optimizing resource requirements and IT integration.

In addition, this service supports your sustainability goals.

  • Standardized and transparent end-to-end processes, including sub-process descriptions, and a blueprint for the organizational supply chain department.
  • Performance measurement and the concept of supply chain steering, and defined high-level IT requirements.
  • Growth plan while also integrating supply chain processes and the supply chain network across functions and interfaces.
supply chain