Market Research

Research & Analytics

We offer detailed and impartial market studies tailored to various industries, using a wide range of reliable data, econometric tools, and fundamental analysis.

Our work involves all stages of the research process from initial design, through execution and analysis, to the development and implementation of data-driven recommendations that allow our clients to drive toward greater business impact.

Types of research we conduct for you:

Many companies struggle to successfully launch new products. Thoroughly investigating whether a product is likely to succeed before launch is vital.

We are using a success criterion to test winning concepts and prototypes.

  • Is your service or product perceived to be expensive?
  • What is the impact of price increase on your customers?
  • What happens when competitors change their prices?
  •  At which point the customer will switch to your competitor?

Customer Interaction research takes into consideration customer perception relative to competitors, as well as the performance of your core propositions, (e.g. Confident, Reliability, Valued, Accessibility, and Professional) and overall image relative to competitors. It will determine the perceived value customers are receiving and help to establish any value differentials against the competition.

We will analyze Price sensitivity & Price elasticity.

Methodology: focus groups, surveys, and interviews.

We will analyze your competitors, the database of known competitor pricing actions and customers’ sensitivity to competitors’ prices. We will conduct research on the structure of their tariff, product definitions, and features.

The process will include:

  • Identification of the major competitors. This may vary for different industries.
  • Analysis of the pricing differentials with the competition for the various segments.

You will be able to maintain the ongoing analysis of competitors’activities on your own.

Market Share and Penetration analysis highlights the markets to which your company is over or under-penetrated. A comparison of revenue is a good indicator of market penetration, along with growth data, which will help explain the trends.

Price may be one of the contributing factors to an over or under-penetrated market.

Comparing your market performance with external data on a country’s overall market performace help determine whether your company is under or over-penetrated in comparison to the market.

Brand Assessment reveals each country‘s brand performance on a regular basis. It allows the identification of clear KPIs for brand improvement, which will consist of the following elements:

  • The Funnel performance takes a closer look at the decision-making process of (potential) customers – from the upstream stages of awareness, relevant set, and usage to high-value downstream stages of regular usage.
  • The brand driver analysis shows the importance of decision criteria in the purchasing process („brand driver relevance“), analyses how customers already perceive these drivers, both for your company and for competitors.
  • The customer touchpoint analysis explores the relevance of the touchpoints for the brand drivers and the perception of customers regarding these touchpoints.
Sample page. Brand Assessment & Customer Interaction research

How do we obtain market intelligence?

Gaining awareness of the competitive market place is necessary to determine appropriate actions to remain a market leader.

Intelligence will be gathered through an array of publicly available information:

  • Customer interviews
  • Sales information
  • Former employee information
  • Websites
  • Marketing materials
  • Market research
  • Periodicals and Press Releases
  • Other company materials (such as contracts, rate sheets, etc.)